ProGps - Teltonika FM1204

Teltonika FM1204
Server port: 21076
Parameter name Description Units
battery_charge Battery charge
canN CAN specific data (I/O property 145-154)
counter1 Fuel Counter (I/O property 76)

Shows the moment of binding/unbinding a driver:
1 - binding
0 - unbinding

driver_status Garmin driver status
gsm GSM signal strength level 0 (lowest) – 5 (highest) (I/O property 21)
hdop Horizontal Dilution of Precision (I/O property 20 or 182)
last_driver_status Last Garmin driver status
paramN Value of special I/O property, where N - ID of property
pdop Position Dilution of Precision (I/O property 22)

Message Priority:
0 - low
1 - high
2 - panic
3 - security

pwr_ext Power supply voltage (I/O property 66) V
pwr_int Battery voltage (I/O property 67) V
vdop Vertical Dilution of Precision (I/O property 21)